We provide convenient and affordable ergonomics programs for businesses across Australia.
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What are the benefits
Stay Safe
Many of us spend 1700 hours per year in front of computers. As this rate rises so does the negative impacts such as back pain, wrist injuries and carpel tunnel syndrome.
Stay Well
Working from home has seen a drastic increase in workplace injuries due to inefficient work from home set ups.
Work Well
Offering staff ergonomic training and assessments of their workplace and home office set ups decreases the risk of them developing injuries from poor posture and inefficient work stations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ergonomics is, in essence, the study of designing equipment, devices, and processes that fit the human body. Ergonomics considers all human factors, including height, weight, sight, feel, etc
For starters, ergonomics identifies potential risk factors that play into your employees’ health. Then, the goal is to reduce exposure to risk factors, using what we know about human physiology, biomechanics, and anthropometry. All three areas allow us to create an ergonomic space for your entire team.
– Good Posture
– Seating
– Desk
– Keyboard
– Mouse
– Equipment placement
– Adequate desk and under-desk space
– Incorporation of dynamic movement into the workday
The answer to this question depends mainly on the type of office or workspace you have. However, the office chair tends to be the most critical piece of equipment in an ergonomic office. The desk chair is where many of your employees will spend most of their time and can be the cause of many chronic injuries.
Nowadays, everything on your work desk, including your computer monitor, laptop, keyboard, etc. all plays an integral part in your work life. While these helpful advancements in technology have improved our work lives, they are also placing unnecessary strain on our bodies at the same time. As a result, people are beginning to develop unhealthy postures that negatively impact their health without knowing it.
Musculoskeletal injuries and vision problems are common injuries resulting from poor office ergonomics. Your workers can get injured when their bodies are required to adapt to tasks that overextend their bodies’ physical limitations. Ergonomics focuses on identifying and reducing six important risk factors
Awkward postures
Repetitive motion or sustained postures
Excessive force
Contact stress
Temperature extremes
There are many simple changes that can be easily implemented to increase activity throughout your day such as using the stairs instead of the lift or using a glass instead of a water bottle and filling it regularly throughout the day. You could also take lunch, morning and afternoon teas away from your workstation and go for a 15 – 20 root cause of many of their ailments or work-related injuries. So, investing in the right chair for each employee is at the top of any ergonomic project.
The key to an ergonomic chair is adjustability. The office chair should fit most of your employees, no matter their weight, height, or body type. So, when you’re shopping for a new office chair, look for one that has adjustable seats, armrests, and backrests. You should also look for chairs with ample padding in the seats, backrests, and armrests. Furthermore, if you have a large office, consider going with an office chair that comes in various sizes: petite, medium, and large. This allows your teams to find the proper seating for their bodies.
The answer to this question also depends mainly on your workforce and who will be using the desk. You’ll also want to factor in costs for your business, if more than one employee will be using the desk, and if the desk is for someone who is right-handed or left-handed.
There are many studies that conclude a sedentary lifestyle may lead to chronic diseases such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. However, a sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity. Using a sit stand workstation alone will not improve your health. It is important to take a holistic approach to becoming less sedentary.
Research indicates that there are negative issues relating to standing stationary for prolonged periods of time. This may include varicose veins, muscle fatigue, lower back pain, and increased risk of carotid atherosclerosis, neck and shoulder strain and swelling of the lower limbs. It is recommended that standing should occur for a maximum of 15 – 20 minutes every hour or a comparable alternative. No longer than 30 minutes standing is suggested.
Anti-fatigue matting was designed for workers who do not have the ability to sit and stand throughout the day. They may impede chair movement or be inconvenient to move. They are not considered a necessity in an office space when standing for 15 – 30minutes at a time.
minute walk during your lunch break. Movement and posture change is recommended every 30-45 minutes and this only requires a brief stand and stretch or walking to talk with a colleague instead of e-mailing and you are already making improvements. See Improving Sedentary Behaviors.
Finally, below are some handy ergonomic tips that can assist you in creating a safe and productive workplace.
Regular breaks every 45-60 minutes – This can include a trip to the bathroom, or to collect a drink/snack. There are various apps or programs available to set alarms and suggest desk exercises.
Vary work tasks and postures – e.g. stand for a reading task.
Have lunch away from the desk.
Try standing or walking meetings.
Eye breaks. Look 20 meters away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes
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