COVID-19 Information for Participants, Consumers and Clients
HCA would like to reassure you that your safety and wellbeing are a priority for us, and we therefore would like to request that you contact HCA and your support team immediately if:
You have any COVID-like symptoms (fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss or change in sense of smell or taste, conjunctivitis, chest pain, excessive fatigue / tiredness, headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea/ vomiting, diarrhoea);
You have had a COVID test and are waiting for your results (due to symptoms, close or casual contact, attendance at a hotspot or contact tracing community location, request to be tested by Public Health Unit);
You have attended a hotspot or contact tracing location in the community;
You have been identified as a close or casual contact of a COVID Positive person and have been asked to self-isolate at home;
You have returned a Positive COVID test result and have been asked to self-isolate at home.
If you require essential supports and services, HCA will take reasonable steps to ensure those essential supports continue to be provided safely, in line with each State/Territory Public Health directions.
Where HCA supports and services are non-essential, these may need to be modified or suspended for the period of time that you are completing self-isolation or awaiting Public Health clearance. We will liaise with you, your family and/or your support team to discuss should you be required to self-isolate at home.
If you do test Positive to COVID-19, HCA will require your home to be professionally deep cleaned after you have recovered and are released from home quarantine (in line with Safe Work Australia Guidelines). Evidence of the professional cleaning service must be provided to HCA prior to non-essential services resuming.
All HCA workers have completed training in hand hygiene and the principles of infection prevention and control, including the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE). HCA has stock of PPE to provide our workers, to ensure infection prevention and control is in line with each State/Territory Public Health directives.
In addition, our workers are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in line with both HCA company policy and any State/Territory vaccine mandates.