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Why Choose HCA For NDIS and Homecare Services? Why Choose HCA For NDIS and Homecare Services?

Why Choose HCA For NDIS and Homecare Services?

Healthcare Australia is a Registered NDIS and Aged Care Provider with a team of experienced and qualified Nurses and healthcare workers with operational, disability and clinical expertise.

Why Choose HCA’s NDIS Services

Free consultation

First and foremost, we strive to understand your healthcare needs and your life goals so that we can provide you with the best possible support to achieve them. We come to visit you in the comfort of your own home. We want to learn about you, your life story and your family background. And we do this free of charge, with no obligation on your part.

A personalised 1-on-1 approach

We understand that your needs are unique. We want to work with you to develop a plan to promote your independence as much as possible and provide you with the very best care and support we can. Whether your needs are short term, ad hoc or longer term, we can provide support with personal care, domestic assistance, gardening, cooking, improving your nutrition and getting you social support, aids and equipment.

We find the right fit for you

Realising that accepting help and support from others can be a big deal. We make it our priority to match you with a support worker you can trust and connect with on a personal level. We want to make sure that you’re going beyond ‘allowing’ them into your home. We want you to find yourself welcoming them and looking forward to your time with them.

45 years experience

Healthcare Australia has more than 45 years of experience providing total healthcare solutions to over 35,000 people in care daily. We’ve used this experience to align our structure, mission and values to better provide healthcare outcomes to the people in our care.

Happy Moving

If you move, we’ll move with you. Whether you’re moving to a new suburb or a new city, we have services across Australia to support you across various metropolitan and regional cities.

Explore our customer stories

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Aged Care

Unspent Funds in Home Care Packages

NDIA PACE System - What it means for Participants

NDIA PACE System - What it means for Participants

Sandy's Shift: From a New Zealand ED to Travel Nursing Down Under
Agency Nurses

Sandy's Shift: From a New Zealand ED to Travel Nursing Down Under

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