Coordinated Funding Proposals: How they can benefit you
Did you know there is a new way for people on the NDIS to purchase supports which can help reduce costs? It’s called a Coordinated Funding Proposal (CFP) and is designed to help groups of participants with similar needs combine their NDIS funding to access support services.
Using a CFP can give participants more opportunities to exercise choice and control when buying NDIS supports. The scheme has been trialed and has proven to create positive outcomes for participants and providers.
What is a Coordinated Funding Proposal?
A CFP starts with a group of people with shared interests or support needs. You can develop a group with people you know in your community. For example, NDIS participants who live in remote or regional areas sometimes have difficulty accessing the supports they need. By joining forces with people in your community who have similar support needs, you can access services and supports which would ordinarily be out of reach. What’s more, you will get better value by combining your NDIS funding.
The advantages of using a CFP include:
• Attract specialists to your area.
• Increase buying power when purchasing NDIS support services.
• Get better value for money, by sharing costs such as provider travel and accommodation, across several participants plans.
• Improve the quality of supports available.
The 6-step process for developing a CFP
The process for using a CFP is very similar to the way you would normally seek support services individually, but you work together to determine your needs and assess which provider can best meet those requirements. There are a few key things to consider in each phase of the process which we have highlighted below. Participants can work with their Support Coordinators or Local Area Coordinators to get assistance and support setting up a CFP.
1. Build a CFP Group
The first step is to build a CFP group. Find people with similar support needs and form a CFP group. There is no minimum or maximum number of people to form a CFP group. Having a team leader can help the group move more decisively and is recommended. A team leader could come from the participants’ support network, a support coordinator, a peak body representative or a trusted person who supports participants. The CFP Group needs to work together and to ensure everyone involved understands each part of the process.
2. Agree on the NDIS Support Services
Next, reach a consensus on the NDIS support needs you want to purchase. Discuss the details of the supports each participant wants to receive and ensure each person has the funding in their plans in place. The, create a detailed description of the required supports.
3. Ask providers for a quote.
Identify up to three providers, send the completed Description of supports and ask the providers to supply a quote. Providers of services or supports through CFPs cannot charge more than the prices in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements.
4. Choose the most suitable provider.
The CFP group and team leader will then come together to assess the quotations and decide on the most suitable provider. The cost to each participant will be a consideration, however your choice may also be influenced by:
• Whether the providers are registered with professional bodies.
• Specialist providers who can deliver a certain support.
• Providers with cultural awareness.
5. Set up the Support Service
Notify the successful provider and initiate service delivery. Ideally the CFP group can meet with the service provider together to discuss delivery dates and details that are suitable for everyone. Then, each participant needs to create individual service delivery agreements and make bookings with the provider.
6. Monitor the supports.
Track and monitor the delivery of supports. Make sure everyone in your CFP group receives the agreed supports.
What if my situation changes?
It is important to note that the CFP does not change your existing service agreements. If the service you are seeking through your CFP is going to replace a service you already have, make sure you follow the exit rules and give appropriate notice.
If something changes and you or another group member wants to pull out of the CFP, you should refer to your service agreement. We recommend you address this hypothetical situation during your planning process so that each member of the CFP understands the implications.
For more information about CFPs, email [email protected] or call the NCC on 1800 800 110