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Cost-effective solution for covering planned and unexpected staffing gaps

Cost-effective solution for covering planned and unexpected staffing gaps

All healthcare facilities are challenged with covering both planned and unexpected staffing gaps. We can assist with planning and procedures around the use of substantive and casual employees and at the same time provide you with huge savings as well as improved service delivery and outcomes.

The Challenge

As part of its pre-opening planning, St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals (SJGMPPH) engaged the services of Healthcare Australia (HCA) to provide cover for planned and unexpected staffing gaps during its initial opening phase, when it was still ramping up services and new recruits were commencing.


During high-level conversations leading up to the facility opening, both parties were able to identify the need for a reliable workforce solution process that would be facilitated by a common point of support, onsite.

The onsite coordination of agency staffing is time critical; hence the provision of a transparent and tailored solution was necessary for success. Daily shortfalls and agency demand are monitored in real-time and onsite, which helps identify issues and gaps in staffing as quickly as possible. An after hour’s service, supported by the local back office team was necessary to expedite the booking process. This allowed SJGMPPH to act dynamically to cater for all patients’ needs.

In addition, electronic time sheet submissions have been implemented to improve efficiencies and reduce administrative costs.

The Outcome

Healthcare Australia successfully met the client demands of providing Agency Nurses (RNs and ENs) and Assistants in Nursing (AIN) when required by SJGMPPH.

As part of the block booking service, HCA were able to deliver a 98% fill rate on all demand, covering both full-time and temporary staffing needs. Additionally, the engagement of an Onsite Coordinator managing all agency staffing needs has ensured consistent service delivery, whilst removing the risk of double booking errors.

The measure in place has allowed SJGMPPH to maintain business as usual, whilst finalising the recruitment processes for all RNs, ENs and AINs, as well astheir growing casual pool through HCA.

If you are looking for customised solution to cover planned and unexpected staffing shortfalls at your hospital, please call the HCA team on1300 422 247or contact us below.


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