What COVID has been like for me working in a aged care with active cases.
by Remi Goldrick
I’m not sure if you’ve switched on a TV within the last 48 hours, but there’s a lot going on here right now. A LOT. And right now, I want to speak to the crisis that has been unfolding, & offers a bit of insight.
I work in a facility that has active COVID cases. These are scary times. Every single day is an emotional roller coaster. The intensity is palpable. Lives are literally at stake.
Despite this, I have NEVER felt so passionate, motivated & fulfilled. I have never felt like my role is so important.
I am so grateful to be a physio working in aged care. Each day I get the OPPORTUNITY to go to work & make a difference. I am struggling to put into words how monumentally important this experience has been for me.

To the people with grandparents or loved ones that are in aged care who have been watching the news:
I want you to know there are so many people who CARE, care so deeply. People who have been showing up, doing doubles, back to back shifts every day, dedicating all of their time and energy to keep people safe, happy and cared for, even putting their own health and their family’s health at risk. The work of the nurses, carers, cleaners, managers, my physio family has been so exceptional & beyond incredible.
I’m sorry that you’ve had to hear so much apathy from the community, that COVID ‘only really effects the elderly’, like the life of your loved one is less valuable because of their age.
I’m sorry that you have to watch this play out on television. I can’t imagine what that must feel like.
I’m sorry you’ve had to question whether they are receiving proper care. But I can assure you, despite what you see play out on the news, I’ve never seen people work so hard & compassionately. The way people have stepped up, gone above & beyond for residents is moving.
From the collective relief we feel every time another ‘negative’ test result comes through, to the pain we feel when it’s ‘positive’, we are all working so hard to keep people safe, happy and healthy. We’re all in this together. We’re all looking out for each other.
As thanks or a show of support, just wear a mask. PLEASE.