The many faces of Rural & Remote Nurses
Our Nurses come from all different walks of life but they all have at least two things in common: their great clinical knowledge and a passion for Nursing!
Bec, our Rural and Remote consultants based in Adelaide, South Australia, shares with us the stories of four vibrant Nurses she’s had the pleasure of recently speaking with. She shares their stories from the most unique and iconic regions of Australia.
An R&R love story with Karen
Karen is a fully-fledged Remote Area Nurse (RAN) and has worked with HCA for over 9 years. She has travelled almost everywhere with us and is still in love with working remotely.
Sometimes there is even a little bit of ‘magic’ in the air when on an R&R contract. Karen shared with us that she met her husband whilst working remote in Warakurna, Western Australia, and they now have eighteen-year-old twins.
Our team has a lot of respect for Karen, with her husband’s, AKA ‘Mr. Mum’s’, support and understanding, they have raised two fabulous children, whilst living the RAN lifestyle.
Contracts for Karen can be 2 weeks or 2 months and everything in between – whatever works with home life. I love seeing my friends on the Islands in the Torres Strait, as well as exploring the diverse communities and cultures of the NT she shares with us.
We see first-hand Karen’s passion for Remote Nursing when she shares her unbelievable, and sometimes very amusing stories every single time she comes home from a contract.
Holidaying & Working with Jan
Jan has been doing lots of country work in South Australia over the past few years. She often take a break and then come back to nursing R&R as the flexibility and travel suits her and her husband.
Jan loves country placements, particularly the great variety of people she meets. She recently mentioned to us that she is about to venture off with her husband in a caravan around Australia, holidaying and working along the way! What a great way to enter semi-retirement! I can’t wait to help her dream become a reality.
Family Affairs with Tamara
At HCA we like to keep it in the family! Tamara is one of our awesome R&R Consultant’s sisters! She is a young Nurse from New Zealand, working in Australia towards becoming a RAN.
Tamara does rural contracts in various QLD hospitals and casual pool shifts with her local hospital’s Emergency Department. Generally, she will work for 6-8 months and then takes off overseas. What an amazing life!
She is currently in Vietnam, after visiting Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia. Last year she spent 8 weeks living in Paris and in 2015 explored Europe and Mozambique!
When she returns from this amazing trip, she is going to do her Remote Emergency Care course through CRANA and work towards going remote. This will help her reach her goal of becoming an overseas Nurse working in crisis situations.
Over the ditch with Averill
Last, but not least, we have Averill! Beautiful Averill resides in Queenstown, New Zealand, and has been skipping over the ditch for the past 10 years, completing contracts of all lengths.
In the early days Averill explored Australia and she now knows where she loves to work, and they all love her there too! She is forever enjoying visiting familiar faces that are scattered throughout the Torres Strait Islands and remote areas of mainland Australia.
Averill has two grown up sons, one of whom works in remote Western Australia. Hence she sometimes meets up with him for a quick holiday in Bali when they can time it right.
Always one to swing past for a coffee or lunch with the local office, she has become like a mum to the HCA team!
Of all the feedback that I receive, the thing our R&R Nurses love most is the support. When you join the Rural and Remote team you are given a personalised consultant who is dedicated to looking after you and your needs, helping to secure some wonderful placements.
Did you know? When you nurse Rural & Remote your travel is always subsidised (if not fully paid ‚ Check out our Travel Free Incentive) and accommodation is quite often provided free of charge. One of the many great reasons you should join us!
You too can live your own RnR adventure! If you would like to know more please feel free to contact myself directly at [email protected], call our Rural & Remote team on 1300 885 728 or register your interest with our team below.